Folio Law Group successfully defends the validity of K. Mizra LLC’s U.S. Patent No. 8,234,705 in IPR2021-00593

Folio Law Group PLLC successfully defended the validity of K. Mizra LLC’s U.S. Patent No. 8,234,705 in IPR2021-00593 before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”).  IPR2021-00593 was filed by Cisco Systems, Inc., Forescout Tech. Inc., and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. on March 15, 2021.  In a final written decision, the Folio team successfully persuaded the PTAB to hold that all challenged claims are valid with the PTAB explaining that the petitioner failed to demonstrate that the prior art invalidated the claims.

IPR2021-00593 was argued by Folio Law Group’s partner Cliff Win Jr. (